Dagarna fylls på med möten och massor av aktiviteter. Saker händer, nya situationer skapas och nya beslutet måste fattas och hanteras. Du jobbar hårt, väldigt hårt, men har ändå en känsla över att inte få rätt saker gjorda. Innerst inne vet do också vilka aktiviteter som du varken hinner med eller för den delen väljer att inte göra och att det är (ofta) aktiviteterna som kommer göra störst skillnad.
Hur kunde det bli så här men framför allt, vad kan du göra åt situationen? En ledtråd är att du ska börja jobba mer som USA´s f.d. president Eisenhower!
Trevligt lyssnande!
Om Alphov & Lopez
Podcasten drivs av sälj- och marknadsexperten Oliver Lopez samt ledarskap- och effektivitetsexperten Michael Alphov. Läs mer Oliver på www.structsales.se samt om Michael på www.michaelalphov.se
Kolla också gärna in www.alphovlopez.se
In episode 142 of the podcast we are joined by Jonathan Bean, the CMO of Sinch a leading CPAAS (Communications Platform as a Service) provider.
We will be covering topics like the role of the modern CMO. How to scale a company 10X and what’s needed from the team to achieve such a result. We will also discuss leadership and how this is the foundation of supporting a fast growing company.
Should a SaaS company be product led, sales led or community led? What about all the buzzwords out there like ABM, Demand Gen, Intent Data and Attribution? All of this and more will be covered in an interesting episode with many valuable nuggets.
We hope you will enjoy this episode as much as we did!
BIO Jonathan Bean:
Jonathan Bean joined Mynewsdesk in 2009, where he helped grow the business from 20 to 120 employees in five years. He became Chief Marketing Officer in 2015, assuming overall responsibility for brand positioning and the development of marketing, content and product led lead generation, as well as partnering with sales to achieve significant growth. He has won a number of awards for excellence and innovation in marketing, including Cannes Lion (Cannes), Webby (New York), Guldägget (Stockholm) and The Drum (London).
Jonathan holds an MBA from Henley Business School, an Honours Degree in Communications from University of Leeds and is a British citizen. Prior to joining Mynewsdesk, Jonathan had a range of senior sales roles at the marketing SaaS company Cision.